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Category: Business Insurance

Do I Need Business Insurance for My Side Gig?

Do I Need Business Insurance for My Side Gig?

A side gig is a great way to earn extra cash. It is an opportunity to branch out on your own, and it could even grow into a full-time business that allows you to “quit your day job.” One thing to keep in mind while running a side hustle is the importance of protecting your business and yourself in case something goes wrong. To be...

The Ins and Outs of Business Contents Insurance

The Ins and Outs of Business Contents Insurance

Your business contents are items belonging to your business that are not permanently attached to the building. They may include small items, such as laptops and mobile phones, or furniture, office equipment, raw materials, or large machinery. No matter the size or nature of your enterprise, the loss of some or all of these essential items could significantly disrupt your operations.  Business contents insurance is...

Fall Safety and Security Tips to Implement in Your Business

Fall Safety and Security Tips to Implement in Your Business

Every season of the year poses safety and security challenges. In the fall, the days grow shorter and the nights grow longer, providing greater opportunity for thieves and vandals. Falling leaves can make walkways slippery, increasing accident risks. The following tips can help you reduce the risks for your business during the autumn months.  Install Proper Lighting We have fewer hours of daylight in the...

8 Things to Consider When Building Your Business Succession Plan

8 Things to Consider When Building Your Business Succession Plan

Long days. Sleepless nights. Laughter and tears. No, we’re not talking about parenthood. We’re talking about owning a business (though some might refer to their business venture as their “baby”). You’ve spent your life building and growing your business, whether you started out on your own or took over the family enterprise. And while you’ve worked hard to get to where you are today, do...

What Is Employment Practices Liability Insurance, and Why Does My Business Need It?

What Is Employment Practices Liability Insurance, and Why Does My Business Need It?

Employee lawsuits against employers are on the rise. Employment practices liability insurance (EPLI) is coverage to protect your business against employee claims that their rights have been violated. Some insurers will provide this coverage as a Business Owners Policy (BOP) endorsement, while others offer it as stand-alone insurance.  What Does EPLI Cover? Employment practices liability insurance provides protection against a range of employee claims, including:...

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